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Becker Professional Education Updates its CPA Exam Review Materials

Becker Professional Education has announced a new series of updates to its CPA Exam Review materials. The goal is to better prepare students for the CPA Exam and improve their scores.

“Becker strives to have its content mirror the CPA Exam so there are no surprises on exam day. Our new Final Review course — built with proprietary interactive e-book software technology — can provide that boost to help solidify students’ knowledge and build their mental endurance for exam day, regardless of whether they’re first-time test takers or retaking an exam section”, says Angie Brown, director of accounting curriculum at Becker Professional Education in an official statement.

Becker’s Final Review study tool has also been updated. It features new design made to aid the final hours of study and preparation. It aims to make the learning more effective and engaging, helping trainees and students to absorb the material.

The updated course covers the SSARS No. 21, Statement of Standards for Accounting and Review Services, the 2015 tax law and the revisions to IRS Circular 230.

The Final Review includes entirely new lectures which are optimized for short studies and deliver the material in snippets. The materials themselves are organized to focus on topics which are most likely to be tested on the exam and the questions are aligned tightly with the lectures.

Furthermore, the Final Review now features 40 hours of video lectures, a full suite of integrated learning tools for note-taking, highlighting searching. There are over 850 questions with multiple choices to ensure the material is completely covered. There are now more than 120 task-based simulations to help put the learned into practice.

Becker has also added 1400 flashcards and additional questions for the most popular topics. The full suite basically gives a complete solution for trainees and students to prepare for the CPA exam. The company says students who use its suite have a double rate of passing the exam. The materials are ensured to be up-to-date and relevant to the current environment thanks to a team of nearly 100 experts who work on the courses.