Thousands of vetted expert instructors to WOW your clients
Get access to 4,000+ vetted global subject matter experts in tech and business speaking more than 30+ different languages. All Coursedot instructors undergo a vetting process to guarantee that you’ll be working with reliable partners. Our biggest asset will become your biggest asset.
Coursedot by the numbers
Fast, flexible and efficient!
vetted expert instructors
requests per month
vetted expert instructors
requests per month
Delivery format
In Person
Send your instructor request
Why do training companies value Coursedot?
- Easier and faster to find instructors based on your desired region, language, and qualifications. A single platform to explore the global network of vetted subject matter experts in tech and business.
- Peace of mind being able to view detailed instructors’ profiles and availability information.
- Global reach – our network covers more than 100 languages and 130 countries.
- 24-hour response time to get a list of instructors who fit your criteria.
- A single interface for planning, communication, monitoring, and assessment.
- Simplified billing through consolidated invoicing.
Our Approach
your request – tell us more about your training needs
from shortlisted instructors –review the detailed instructors’ profiles your Account Manager has selected for you.
meeting your expert instructor – schedule a face-to-face chat with them on the platform.
Synch up
with your learners – introduce chosen expert instructors to your learners in the platform – share learning goals and align content to desired outcomes to guarantee excellent learner engagement.