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Node.js Foundation is creating a Certified Developer Program

Node.js developers will be able to get certifications of their knowledge just like many other top platforms. The Node.js Certified Developer Program is the new creation by the Node.js Foundation.

People who know their way around the popular JavaScript platform will be able to get certified via an online exam. It will feature 32 questions and the Node.js Foundation will start offering the test in the second quarter of this year, InfoWorld reports.

Node.js is one of the programming languages in very high demand. As such many companies need a way to quickly verify the level of competence of job applicants. So, the Node.js Foundation is stepping in with the new Certified Developer Program.

Setting the foundation

People who complete the test successfully will be guaranteed to know the early intermediate level of Node. The Foundation says this is enough for the developers to be able to “hit the ground running” and quickly adapt to the specific requirements of the given company or organization.

The exam covers pretty much everything you need to know. From buffers and streams, child processes, control flow, diagnostics, error-handling and events. It goes on to events, style system, HTTPS, JavaScript and module systems, dealing with NPM and Yarn. People taking the Certified Developer test should also know about Node CLI, package.json, process and operating systems, unit testing, and security.

Some of the questions will also require coding on the spot. The exam will be available for a fee. So far, the Node.js Foundation hasn’t determined the fee, but plans to make it low so that more people can afford it. The test will be self-paced, but the participants will have to have a web camera because as they work on the test, they will be under observation by a proctor.

Finally, an important note. The Node.js Foundation will not be offering the courses to prepare for the exam. It will only offer the certification exam.

The Node.js is useful for many cases. For example, you can also use it to develop REST APIs for IBM Bluemix. We have that course ready for you.

Image credit: Flickr (CC) / Pedro Lozano