It’s no surprise to say that people with in-demand tech skills can and do get high salaries. A new survey by Mondo though reveals some additional tidbits.
For example, it’s long being thought you can get the highest salaries only in hot tech hubs like the Silicon Valley. According to Mondo’s Annual Tech Salary Guide though, that’s not exactly the case. If a person has certain in-demand tech skills, he or she can net a top salary no matter the region, Mondo concludes.
Top talent is no longer tied to a location
The firm sees that more and more tech companies are paying a premium for top talent regardless of their location. Additionally, more companies are making more use of a remote workforce. There are plenty of tools now to allow for seamless teamwork even if not all team members are in the same room. And after all quite a lot of the day-to-day tasks are carried with virtual communication even when the people are working at the desks across from each other.
On the other hand, some of the top talent don’t really want to relocate. This makes attracting them even more challenging, hence it’s easier for them to request a higher salary if the company is so set on adding them to the team.
Another trend that sees a rise in Mondo’s survey is the use of IT contractors. Sometimes companies need specialized skills on a limited basis, or it just can’t find suitable job candidates. The IT contractors come to save the day with their highly specialized skillset which, though, comes at a premium. This also plays a role in both higher salaries and the less impact of the location of the talent.
Mondo also has an index with the highest paying tech jobs. They feature the average salary range for each position. Some of the ranges are quite wide. This is mostly due to the size and capabilities of the company rather than location. The index covers only jobs across the USA.
Top paying IT jobs in the US
1. CIO/CTO: $170,000 – $285,000
2. Demandware developer: $150,000 – $250,000
3. Chief information security officer: $145,000 – $250,000
4. DevOps lead/engineer: $115,000 – $250,000
5. Chief data officer: $162,000 – $228,000
6. Director PMO: $125,000 – $225,000
7. Data scientist: $130,000 – $210,000
8. Data architect: $130,000 – $210,000
9. Application security engineer: $125,000 – $210,000
10. Solutions architect: $140,000 – $200,000
11. Project manager: $90,000 – $200,000
12. Android developer: $90,000 – $200,000
13. iOS developer: $90,000 – $200,000
Companies can also invest in training and developing such talent, even if members of the team work remotely. It’s a great way to show them they are valued in the company even if they don’t see everyone every day. They can be involved in virtual trainings as well as participate in on-site trainings with their team. There are thousands of courses for every tech need.
It’s a great way for these workers to both meet the team and also to hone their skillset. The bottom line is you shouldn’t feel restricted to only local talent, especially when you have very specific goals and there’s simply not enough IT pros with the needed skills around. Of course, do this if the position allows for remote work. If it does, check out more of the global talent pool. You will still probably pay a premium, but you will also find even more top workers suitable for you team.
Image credit: Flickr (CC) / Tanel Teemusk