Salesforce continues to expand its presence and becomes one of the top most sought IT skills. IT recruiters already expect it to be a highlight of 2017.
Salesforce skills are and will continue to be among the top for the near future. According to IT recruiting firm Mondo, Salesforce skills will be in high demand for a long time. And this includes all Salesforce roles.
From software developers, to solution architects and designers, to project managers. In a comment to ComputerWorld, Mondo recommends to add Salesforce skills for almost any professional. The demand from the market is really high. Mondo says organizations look for everyone who has Salesforce knowledge. From low-level junior jobs to top managers.
Salesforce is everywhere
A report from Burning Glass supports this. The firm looked over its database of over 100 million job postings from 40 000 sites. That was for the period from July 2015 to June 2016 and found over 300 000 job postings which needed Salesforce skills. Burning Glass says that Salesforce is now the 7th most in-demand software skill. It surpassed long-term favorites like Python, .NET, C++.
In most positions, Salesforce knowledge is required as a complementary skill. It comes in addition to a technical skill set in IT roles (such as software developers and network engineers). Or adds to sales roles (such as sales representatives and sales managers). It also adds to marketing roles (such as marketing managers and marketing specialists), the report says.
Burning Glass also says it sees a healthy rise in demand for Salesforce skills. Since 2012 they have jumped 1.3 times faster than the overall job postings. In the same time, the demand for Salesforce-specific jobs has quadrupled.
Better skills = better pay
Another plus of Salesforce skills: they pay well. The reports found that on average Salesforce skills bring about 8%-11% higher salary premium. Specific advanced skills with Salesforce can land you a job paying well above the average, too.
All of this brings in an increased focus on Salesforce trainings, too. The company already has a training platform in place. It also says the trainings allow people will all types of backgrounds to add Salesforce skills to their resume.
Organizations can also benefit from training their employees and helping them get at least the basic Salesforce skills. We have you covered on this front with several Salesforce trainings you can check out. If you need specific Salesforce trainings, we can also help you out. Simply let us know.
Image credit: Flickr (CC) / Daniel Cukier